Textile History is an internationally recognised, peer reviewed journal and one of the leading publications in its field. It is viewed as an important outlet for current research. Published in the spring and autumn of each year, its remit has always been to facilitate the publication of high-quality research and discussion in all aspects of scholarship arising from the history of textiles and dress.Since its foundation the scope of the journal has been substantially expanded to include articles dealing with aspects of the cultural and social history of apparel and textiles, as well as issues arising from the exhibition, preservation and interpretation of historic textiles or clothing. Textile History reviews a wide cross-section of books from all parts of the world, dealing with any aspect of textile and clothing history; the Book Reviews Editor is happy to consider books for review that have been published in any of the languages which fall within the bounds of scholarship in its fields.Textile History welcomes high-quality submissions based on original research from a wide range of scholarly perspectives including economic, social, art, design and cultural history, as well as material culture studies from a historical perspective. Submissions from both established and younger scholars are welcome.The journal regularly publishes Exhibition Reviews and Object Lessons; the former offer important discussion of major public exhibitions of dress and textiles, while the latter element of the journal illustrates the ways in which the study of objects can inform analysis in scholarly research. The Research Notes section is intended for brief comments or limited discussion of particular issues not requiring a major article.
Textile Progress is a quarterly series that since 1969 has provided critical and comprehensive examination of the origination and application of developments in all aspects of the international fibre, textile and apparel industry and in its products. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. STARTaylor & Francis/Routledge are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month's free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website. Disclaimer Taylor and Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor and Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor and Francis and the Textile Institute.
The Textile Research Journal is the leading peer reviewed Journal for textile research. It is devoted to the dissemination of fundamental, theoretical and applied scientific knowledge in materials, chemistry, manufacture and system sciences related to fibers, fibrous assemblies and textiles. The Journal serves authors and subscribers worldwide, and it is selective in accepting contributions on the basis of merit, novelty and originality.Fibers, fibrous assemblies, textiles, and other fiber-based materials such as nonwovens are of immense importance in today's global economy. In addition to their use in well-established consumer and industrial markets, they have widespread use in novel, non-traditional applications, such as in technical textiles, reinforced composites, geotextiles, personal care products, filtration, transportation, health care and biomaterials, smart, intelligent, electronic, and nano applications.Since its founding in 1930, The Textile Research Journal has served as the premier forum for the presentation of scientific results that introduce new concepts, innovative technologies, and improved understanding of textile materials, processes, chemistry and systems.In recently expanded monthly issues, TRJ has presented peer-reviewed research and review papers from leading research organizations. These papers deal with research in the design, development and measurement of natural and synthetic polymeric materials, fibers, engineered fabrics and textiles, including polymer mixtures and additives; the fabrication, developments in production processes, machinery, manufacture and testing of fibrous structures and fabricated products; chemical applications to, and modifications of, fibers and fiber substrates, including dyeing (coloring), finishing and waste reduction; and the management of product design, sourcing, economics, production, distribution and consumption systems.Manuscripts are welcomed from industrial laboratories, government research centers, universities, private research organizations, and independent scientists.
Aims and Scope Download Flyer The Chemical Record (TCR) is a “highlights” journal publishing timely and critical overviews of new developments at the cutting edge of chemistry of interest to a wide audience of chemists (2009 journal impact factor: 3.862). The scope of published reviews includes all areas related to physical chemistry. analytical chemistry. inorganic chemistry. organic chemistry. polymer chemistry. materials chemistry. bioorganic chemistry. biochemistry. biotechnology and medicinal chemistry as well as interdisciplinary fields. TCR provides carefully selected highlight papers by leading researchers that introduce the author’s own experimental and theoretical results in a framework designed to establish perspectives with earlier and contemporary work and provide a critical review of the present state of the subject. The articles are intended to present concise evaluations of current trends in chemistry research to help chemists gain useful insights into fields outside their specialization and provide experts with summaries of recent key developments. Authors are encouraged to give perspectives on their own personal thinking and the historical development that led to significant breakthroughs in research.New developments from industrial laboratories will be featured in a separate section covering corporate research. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Manuscripts are generally solicited by the editors. however. voluntary contributions are also welcome. In the latter case potential authors are asked to contact the Editorial Office with an outline before beginning to write in order to avoid duplication of effort and to ensure suitability of the topic and the level of coverage.
EPJ AP an international journal devoted to the promotion of the recent progresses in all fields of applied physics.The articles published in EPJ AP span the whole spectrum of applied physics research.Sections covered:* Semiconductors and devices*Physics of organic materials and devices*Thin films*Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies*Photonics*Spintronics, magnetism and superconductivity*Imaging, microscopy and spectroscopy*Plasma, discharges and processes*Physics of energy transfer, conversion and storage*Instrumentation and metrology*Physics and mechanics of fluids, microfluidics*Biophysics and biosensors*Surfaces and interfaces.
The European Physical Journal B (EPJ B) publishes regular articles and colloquia in Condensed Matter and Complex Systems. The range of topics includes: Solid State and MaterialsMesoscopic and Nanoscale SystemsComputational MethodsStatistical and Nonlinear Physicsand Interdisciplinary PhysicsFor a complete list, please check the Aims and Scope (via the link in the righthand column).
Commonly used title abbreviations: Eur. Phys. J. B, Eur.Phys.J.B, EPJB, EPJ B
EPJ E publishes papers describing advances in the understanding of physical aspects of Soft Matter and Biological Systems. This includes reports of experimental, computational and theoretical studies and appeals to the broad interdisciplinary communities including physics, chemistry, biology and materials science.The range of topics is extensive: Polymers and PolyelectrolytesLiquid Crystals, Liquids and Complex FluidsSelf-organisation and Supramolecular AssembliesColloids, Nanoparticles and Granular MatterFunctional Materials and NanodevicesInterfacial Phenomena and Nanostructured SurfacesStructure and Function of Biological MatterBiomimetic SystemsCellular ProcessesMulticellular SystemsBiological NetworksFor a complete list click 'Aims and scope' in the right column of this page.Unique features of EPJ E:
- Colloquia - papers describing new research directions and techniques
- International Editorial Board
- Global contributions and global readership
- Appeals to the broad interdisciplinary co
The International Journal of Artificial Organs (IJAO) is the Official Journal of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO).The International Journal of Artificial Organs (IJAO) publishes monthly peer-reviewed research and clinical, experimental and theoretical, contributions to the field of artificial, bioartificial and tissue-engineered organs. The mission of the IJAO is to foster the development and optimization of artificial, bioartificial and tissue-engineered organs, for implantation or use in procedures, to treat functional deficits of all human tissues and organs.The topics of interest range from the initial concept to clinical application, and are grouped in the following independent sections managed by highly qualified Editors:.
This journal is of very broad interest to the large technical community concerned with the development of an understanding of the phenomenon of adhesion and its practical applications. The art of adhesion is maturing into a science which requires a broad, coordinated interdisciplinary effort to provide an understanding of its complex nature and numerous manifestations. The Journal of Adhesion provides a forum for discussion of the basic and applied problems in adhesion. Papers are considered relevant if they contribute to the understanding of the response of systems of joined materials to mechanical or other disruptive influences. Experimental papers are required to incorporate theoretical background and theoretical papers must relate to practice. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Energy, Materials, and Catalysis.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (JPC C) publishes experimental, theoretical, and computational research on the physical chemistry of nano, low-dimensional and bulk materials; chemical transformations at interfaces; and energy conversion and storage. Examples of topics of special interest include:
If you are unsure whether your manuscript fits within the scope of JPC C, please contact the Editor-in-Chief (eic@jpc.acs.org). This Collection provides tips for creating high impact experimental and theory/computational manuscripts. This Editorial gives guidelines for computational and theory research.
The Journal of the Textile Institute welcomes papers concerning research and innovation, reflecting the professional interests of the Textile Institute in science, engineering, economics, management and design related to the textile industry and the use of fibres in consumer and engineering applications. Papers may encompass anything in the range of textile activities, from fibre production through textile processes and machines, to the design, marketing and use of products. Papers may also report fundamental theoretical or experimental investigations, including materials science topics in nanotechnology and smart materials, practical or commercial industrial studies and may relate to technical, economic, aesthetic, social or historical aspects of textiles and the textile industry. All published research articles in The Journal of the Textile Institute have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two expert referees. Recommend The Journal of the Textile Institute to your Librarian Please use the following form if you wish to recommend this journal to your librarian; http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/pdf/TJTI_library_recommendation.pdf.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics: Aims & ScopesTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics' aims & scopes have been re-designed to cover both the theoretical, applied, and numerical aspects associated with those cracking related phenomena taking place, at a micro-, meso-, and macroscopic level, in materials/components/structures of any kind.The journal aims to cover the cracking/mechanical behaviour of materials/components/structures in those situations involving both time-independent and time-dependent system of external forces/moments (such as, for instance, quasi-static, impulsive, impact, blasting, creep, contact, and fatigue loading). Since, under the above circumstances, the mechanical behaviour of cracked materials/components/structures is also affected by the environmental conditions, the journal would consider also those theoretical/experimental research works investigating the effect of external variables such as, for instance, the effect of corrosive environments as well as of high/low-temperature. The journal will also consider technical articles assessing the cracking behaviour of new materials used in modern and alternative applications, i.e., not only strictly related to engineering. Further, the most advanced technological findings in the surface engineering field are seen to strongly influence the cracking/mechanical behaviour of materials. Accordingly, technical articles investigating, both from a theoretical and an experimental point of view, the existing interactions between the above aspects and the material cracking behaviour will be considered for publication.The modelling of the phenomena of interest for the Journal can be based on the conventional linear-elastic/elasto-plastic Fracture Mechanics concepts as well as on novel (or emerging) theories. The journal is keen to publish new/alternative modelling/design approaches, provided that such innovative theories are soundly based on the state-of-the-art knowledge and, when possible, validated through appropriate experimental results.In more general terms, cracks act as stress/strain concentrators. Accordingly, the Journal is very keen to consider for publication also those studies investigating the effect on the mechanical behaviour of materials/components/structures of different kinds of stress/strain concentrators such as defects, microstructural in-homogeneities, and, above all, notches of any kind. In more detail, one of the new features of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics is releasing regular issues addressing, in a systematic way, the notch mechanics problem. In this setting, as for those studies involving cracks, such special issues will consider not only conventional, but also innovative materials subjected to both time-independent and time-dependent loading.The increasing computational power of modern computers is strongly encouraging the scientific community to develop novel methodologies suitable for modelling the mechanical behaviour of materials/components/structures containing any kind of stress/strain concentrators (i.e., not only cracks and notches, but also defects and microstructural in-homogeneities). Accordingly, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics aims to publish, through regular issues fully focussed on computational mechanics, also those technical articles addressing the theoretical/computational aspects leading to an efficient and accurate modelling of the behaviour, at a micro-, meso-, and macroscopic level, of materials and structures containing stress/strain raisers of any kind.In light of the new aims and scopes characterising Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, the journal will be organised according to the following topical issues:Miscellany of technical articles fully meeting the aims and scopes of the journal;Technical articles investigating the notch mechanics field;Technical articles devoted to the computational mechanics aspects;Themed threads, guest-edited by experts, where the themes of interest could not necessarily be addressed in a single issue: this would create a string of issues showing, over years, the progresses made in a specific area of the Fracture/Notch/Computational Mechanics discipline.The themed threads will be guest-edited not only by the Members of the Editorial Board, but also, as mentioned above, by leading experts. In this setting, the Editorial Boards is interested in considering possible topics directly suggested by leading experts also willing to act as guest-editors. Finally, the Journal will consider the publication of special issues containing the extended version of high-level papers presented at prominent international conferences.However, authors submitting papers of an experimental nature should include raw data with their submissions in order to support the findings being presented. The purpose of this requirement is to (1) Guard against falsifying test data and (2) Mitigate the misrepresentation of test data.
Thin Solid Films is an international journal which serves scientists and engineers working in the fields of thin-film synthesis, characterization, and applications. The field of thin films, which can be defined as the confluence of materials science, surface science, and applied physics, has become an identifiable unified discipline of scientific endeavor. The scope of Thin Solid Films is indicated by, but not limited to, the following topical subheadings:• A. Synthesis and Characterization• B. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Colloidal Behaviour• C. Metallurgical, Protective, and Hard Layers• D. Mechanics and Nanomechanics of Thin Layers• E. Electronics, Optics, and Opto-electronics• F. Magnetics and Magneto-optics• G. Superconductivity• H. Langmuir—Blodgett, Biological, and Related Films• I. Thin Film Devices, Sensors, and Actuators• J. Condensed Matter Film Behaviour.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com