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Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal

ISSN: 2151-4798eISSN: 2151-562X
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Sportswear International

ISSN: 1021-0989

SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

ISSN: 2191-530XeISSN: 2191-5318

Stahl und Eisen

ISSN: 0340-4803

Steel Construction

ISSN: 1867-0520eISSN: 1867-0539
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Steel Research International

ISSN: 1611-3683eISSN: 1869-344X

Steel Research International is a journal providing a forum for the publication of high-quality manuscripts in areas ranging from process metallurgy and metal forming to materials engineering as well as process control and testing. The emphasis is on steel and related metals and on materials involved in the processing, such as refractories and slags. Examples are given as follows:.

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Steel Structures

ISSN: 0038-9145eISSN: 1437-1049

Stahlbau bundelt in einer Fachzeitschrift alles uber Stahl-, Verbund- und Leichtmetallkonstruktionen im gesamten Bauwesen. Seit 1928 begleitet sie maßgeblich den gesamten Stahlbau. In Stahlbau finden sich praxisorientierte Berichte uber samtliche Themen des Stahlbaus. Die in Stahlbau publizierten Fachaufsatze sind Erstveroffentlichungen. Themenuberblick: .

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Steel Times International

ISSN: 0143-7798

Steel in Translation

ISSN: 0967-0912eISSN: 1935-0988

The journal represents a selection of translated materials from two Russian ferrous metallurgical journals: StalB´ and Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Chernaya Metallurgiya. It covers new developments in blast furnaces, steelmaking, rolled products, tubes, and metal manufacturing as well as unconventional methods of metallurgy and conservation of resources. Papers in materials science and relevant commercial applications make up a considerable portion of the journal's contents. There is an emphasis on metal quality and cost effectiveness of metal production and treatment.

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ISSN: 0039-2103eISSN: 1475-1305

Strain is an international journal that contains contributions from leading-edge research on the measurement of the mechanical behaviour of structures and systems. Strain updates engineers and scientists with new developments in measurement and current research activities. The journal includes papers from all engineering disciplines that deal with material behaviour and degradation under load, structural design and measurement techniques. Although the thrust of the journal is experimental, numerical simulations and validation are included in the coverage.

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Strength of Materials

ISSN: 0039-2316eISSN: 1573-9325

Strength of Materials focuses on the strength of materials and structural components subjected to different types of force and thermal loadings, the limiting strength criteria of structures, and the theory of strength of structures. Consideration is given to actual operating conditions, problems of crack resistance and theories of failure, the theory of oscillations of real mechanical systems, and calculations of the stress-strain state of structural components. Strength of Materials is a translation of the peer-reviewed Ukrainian journal Problemy Prochnosti. The Russian-language edition is published and copyrighted by the Pisarenko Institute of Problems of Strength of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

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Strength, Fracture and Complexity

ISSN: 1567-2069eISSN: 1875-9262
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Structural Concrete

ISSN: 1464-4177eISSN: 1751-7648

Structural Concrete, the official journal of the fib, provides conceptual and procedural guidance in the field of concrete construction, and features peer-reviewed papers, keynote research and industry news covering all aspects of the design, construction, performance in service and demolition of concrete structures.

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Superconductor Science and Technology

ISSN: 0953-2048eISSN: 1361-6668

Superconductor Science and Technology™ is an international multidisciplinary journal for papers on all aspects of applied superconductivity. The coverage includes theories of superconductivity, the basic physics of superconductors, the relation of microstructure and growth to superconducting properties, the theory of novel devices, and the fabrication, properties and applications of thin films and devices. It also encompasses the manufacture and properties of conductors, and their application in the construction of magnets and heavy current machines, together with enabling technology. Please note Superconductor Science and Technology does not consider purely theoretical papers; theoretical papers must be clearly linked to experiments reported either in the paper itself or in the current literature.

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Superlattices and Microstructures

ISSN: 0749-6036eISSN: 1096-3677

Superlattices and Microstructures is a journal devoted to the dissemination of the science and technology of synthetic heterostructures, including individual and collective use of semiconductors, metals and insulators for the exploitation of their unique properties.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Surface Engineering

ISSN: 0267-0844eISSN: 1743-2944
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

Surface Engineering provides a forum for the publication of international, peer reviewed material on this important enabling technology. The journal embraces science, technology, engineering and design aspects of the use of surface engineering to produce cost-effective substrate-surface systems having functional, mechanical, tribological and/or chemical properties that cannot be achieved from the individual components alone. Coverage includes, inter alia, design, surface modification technologies and process control, and the characterisation and properties of the system or component, including quality control and non-destructive examination.Types of contribution include* original papers reporting research and practice (up to 4000 words plus figures and illustrations)* short communications, providing a rapid publication route for preliminary announcements or short accounts of new techniques (typically 1000-1500 words with, at most, four figures and/or tables) * state of the art reviews, providing critical assessments of important areas of the discipline (typically 5000-6000 words plus figures and tables)* validated industrial case studies and technology updates (typically 500-1000 words plus three or four illustrations).

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Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry

ISSN: 1068-3755eISSN: 1934-8002

Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry is the official journal of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. It publishes theoretical and applied articles dealing with a broad spectrum of topics in surface engineering and the application of electrochemistry in industrial processing. The journal elucidates the methods and processes of the electrical treatment of materials, utilization of electrical fields, currents and charges, improvement of existing technologies, intensification of heat-and-mass transfer processes, and treatment of biological media and foodstuffs. A partial list of topics explored in the journal includes precision machining by spark erosion; electrochemical precision machining and surface finishing; surface layer hard alloying of metals; deposition of coatings from metal plasma; and electrolytic heating, magnetic annealing, electrolyte solutions and processes. This journal also features sections on equipment and instrumentation.

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Surface Innovations

ISSN: 2050-6252eISSN: 2050-6260

Surface Review and Letters

ISSN: 0218-625XeISSN: 1793-6667

This international journal is devoted to the elucidation of properties and processes that occur at the boundaries of materials. The scope of the journal covers a broad range of topics in experimental and theoretical studies of surfaces and interfaces. Both the physical and chemical properties are covered. The journal also places emphasis on emerging areas of cross-disciplinary research where new phenomena occur due to the presence of a surface or an interface. Representative areas include surface and interface structures; their electronic, magnetic and optical properties; dynamics and energetics; chemical reactions at surfaces; phase transitions, reconstruction, roughening and melting; defects, nucleation and growth; and new surface and interface characterization techniques.

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Surface Science

ISSN: 0039-6028eISSN: 1879-2758

Surface Science is devoted to elucidating the fundamental aspects of chemistry and physics occurring at a wide range of surfaces and interfaces and to disseminating this knowledge fast.The journal welcomes a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to:• model systems (e.g. in Ultra High Vacuum) under well-controlled reactive conditions • nanoscale science and engineering, including manipulation of matter at the atomic/molecular scale and assembly phenomena• reactivity of surfaces as related to various applied areas including heterogeneous catalysis, chemistry at electrified interfaces, and semiconductors functionalization• phenomena at interfaces relevant to energy storage and conversion, and fuels production and utilization• surface reactivity for environmental protection and pollution remediation• interactions at surfaces of soft matter, including polymers and biomaterials.Both experimental and theoretical work, including modeling, is within the scope of the journal. Work published in Surface Science reaches a wide readership, from chemistry and physics to biology and materials science and engineering, providing an excellent forum for cross-fertilization of ideas and broad dissemination of scientific discoveries.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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