The bi-monthly journal Refractories and Industrial Ceramics publishes peer-reviewed articles on the latest developments and discoveries in the field of refractory materials and ceramics, focusing on the practical aspects of their production and use. Coverage includes: Scientific Research; Raw Materials; Production; Equipment; Heat Engineering and Applications. Refractories and Industrial Ceramics is a translation of the Russian journal Novye Ogneupory (New Refractories).
Reinforced Plastics magazine and the website deliver business and technology information to the global composites industry: daily news; weekly e-mail newsletter; technical and business feature articles; podcasts and webcasts; online Buyers' Guide; jobs; events and training; and more.
An international journal focused on innovative research relating to the management and technological developments of textiles and the textile industry
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation® is the American Society for Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation’s archival research journal. RNDE® contains the results of original research in all areas of nondestructive evaluation (NDE). The journal covers experimental and theoretical investigations dealing with the scientific and engineering bases of NDE, its measurement and methodology, and a wide range of applications of materials and structures that relate to the entire life cycle, from manufacture to use and retirement. Illustrative topics include advances in the underlying science of acoustic, thermal, electrical, magnetic, optical and ionizing radiation techniques and their applications to NDE problems. These problems include the nondestructive characterization of a wide variety of material properties and their degradation in service, nonintrusive sensors for monitoring manufacturing and materials processes, new techniques and combinations of techniques for detecting and characterizing hidden discontinuities and distributed damage in materials, standardization concepts and quantitative approaches for advanced NDE techniques, and long-term continuous monitoring of structures and assemblies.
Results in Materials is part of the Materials Today journal family. It is an open-access journal that serves as a platform for the community of materials scientists and engineers to share their findings and visions in materials. This journal aims to promote the visibility of exploratory studies, preliminary/incremental results, and negative results with scientifically sound explanation. Results in Materials has a broad scope spanning all materials science and engineering subfields, welcoming articles in the following areas:
1. Full research papers
2. Microarticles: very short papers, no longer than 2 pages. They may consist of a single, but well-described piece of information, such as:
- Data and/or a plot plus a description
- Description of a new method or instrumentation
- Negative results
- Concept or design study
All submitted manuscripts are fully peer-reviewed and after acceptance, a publication fee is charged to cover all editorial, production, and archiving costs. Different publication fees apply for the two types of papers: USD 750 for full papers and USD 500 for microarticles (excluding taxes). Accepted papers are freely accessible to anyone.
l Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM) es un Centro del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), perteneciente al Área de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Cuenta con una plantilla fija de 131 personas de las cuales 62 son personal científico. Está dividido en tres Departamentos: Metalurgia Física, Ingeniería de Superficies,Corrosión y Durabilidad y Metalurgia Primaria.
The journal Rheologica Acta advances the science of rheology by publishing high quality peer reviewed articles, invited reviews and peer reviewed short communications reporting substantial progress in core areas of fluid or solid rheology. Â The scope of coverage includes rheometrical and rheo-physical techniques, rheo-optics, microrheology; rheology of soft matter systems including polymer melts and solutions, colloidal dispersions, cement, ceramics, glasses, gels, emulsions, surfactant systems, liquid crystals, biomaterials and food; electro and magnetorheology; theory of rheology; non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, complex fluids in microfluidic devices and flow instabilities; interfacial rheology and more. Â Rheologica Acta is the official journal of The European Society of Rheology.
The international journal on Road Materials and Pavement Design welcomes contributions on mechanical, thermal, chemical and/or physical properties of bitumens, additives, bituminious mixes, asphalt concrete, cement concrete, unbound granular materials, soils, geo-composites, new and innovative materials, as well as mix design, soil stabilization, and environmental aspects of handling and re-use of road materials.The Journal also intends to offer a platform for the publication of research of immediate interest regarding design and modeling of pavement behavior and performance, structural evaluation, stress, strain and thermal characterization and/or calculation, vehicule/road interaction, climatic effects and numerical and analytical modeling. The different layers of the road, including the soil, are considered.