The Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems is dedicated to the particular aspects of nanoscale engineering, science, and technology that involve the descriptions and characterizations of nanoscale systems and materials. This Journal reflects work on real devices, processes and materials, that arise from transitioning the scientific and engineering database.
Crystals lie at the root of much of today's advanced technology. Near-perfect crystals of silicon and III-V compounds are needed for microprocessors and optoelectronics, magnetic crystals provide some computer memories, and crystals of all kinds are required for scientific studies and new applications.This journal is the only review journal which provides a repository of articles and references on the growth and characterization of crystals and their applications. As the years go by it is building up into an invaluable source of information on a wide range of topics.Advances in the techniques of growing and assessing ever more perfect crystals of a wide range of materials lie at the roots of much of today's advanced technology. The literature of crystal growth is expanding faster than almost any comparable field of science. This journal is planned to fill the need for communication and act as a rapid publication medium for review articles and conference reports in order to keep abreast of developments in this field.Crystal growth and characterization (or assessment) is of vital interest to many scientists in industry and in universities. The journal covers all aspects of crystal growth and characterization including crystals of semiconductors and electronic materials, oxides, synthetic materials, magnetic and optical crystals, organic and biological crystals and metals. Topics in eutectics, thin film and theory of crystal growth are included and also methods of assessing crystal perfection and purity. The wide-ranging interdisciplinary nature of Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials means that it is of interest to physicists, chemists, materials scientists, electronic engineers and metallurgists as well as specialists in crystal growth. Emphasis on practical developments and problems ensures its importance for workers in industry.This journal carries full review articles, state-of-the-art reports, reviews of important new publications and lists of forthcoming meetings in the field of crystal growth and characterization.Invited Review Papers only.
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As a service to readers, an international bibliography of recent publications in advanced materials is published bimonthly.
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*©Journal Citation Reports 2015, Published by Thomson Reuters
• Chemical, physical and technological properties of organic coatings and related materials
• Problems and methods of preparation, manufacture and application of these materials
• Performance, testing and analysis.
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Progress in Photovoltaics offers a prestigious forum for reporting advances in this rapidly developing technology, right through from research to practical application, and aims to reach all interested professionals, researchers, and energy policy-makers. The journal's Editorial Board is drawn from many countries with a deliberate balance of interests between research, industrial development and practical operation of PV systems, and plays an essential role in the refereeing of contributions.Contributions in the form of Full Papers and Short Communications are invited on the full range of PV topics and concerns. All submissions are rigorously peer reviewed.
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Authors are encouraged to write articles of relevance to a wide readership including both those established in this field of research and non-specialists working in related areas.
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Progress in Solid State Chemistry presents a chemical view of the solid state by providing up-to-date critical reviews written by acknowledged authorities in the field. It also publishes surveys of research progress and specialized articles devoted to summarizing particular recent developments. The aim is to address the need brought about by the literature on the chemistry of the solid state being widely dispersed, making it difficult to obtain a broad and unified assessment of the present state of knowledge. Special emphasis is given to relating physical properties and structural chemistry. Whereas structural chemistry at one time was concerned mostly with perfect solids, most activity focused upon understanding of solid properties focuses on imperfections. Entities such as vacancies, dislocations, and positive holes, which have no independent existence outside the solid itself, are of prime importance in modern solid state chemistry.The reviews published in Progress in Solid State Chemistry emphasize critical evaluation of the field, along with indications of current problems and future directions. Papers are not intended to be bibliographic in nature but rather to inform a broad range of readers in an inherently multidisciplinary field by providing expert treatises oriented both towards specialists in different areas of the solid state and towards nonspecialists. The authorship is international, and the subject matter will be of interest to chemists, materials scientists, physicists, metallurgists, crystallographers, ceramists, and engineers interested in the solid state.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Progress in Surface Science publishes progress reports and review articles by invited authors of international stature. The papers are aimed at surface scientists and cover various aspects of surface science. Papers in the new section Progress Highlights, are more concise and general at the same time, and are aimed at all scientists. Because of the transdisciplinary nature of surface science, topics are chosen for their timeliness from across the wide spectrum of scientific and engineering subjects. The journal strives to promote the exchange of ideas between surface scientists in the various areas. Authors are encouraged to write articles that are of relevance and interest to both established surface scientists and newcomers in the field.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: