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Alloy Digest

ISSN: 0002-614X
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American Journal of Digestive Diseases

ISSN: 0002-9211
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Anatomy and Embryology

ISSN: 0340-2061eISSN: 1432-0568
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ISSN: 1166-2654eISSN: 1760-5377

Andrologie est l'organe de publication officiel de la Société d'Andrologie de Langue Française (SALF). La revue publie des articles dans le domaine de l'andrologie, en langue française essentiellement. Ces travaux peuvent être des articles de synthèse, des articles originaux, des cas cliniques, des articles de mise au point et des opinions dans les domaines en relation avec le développement, les structures, les fonctions et les pathologies de l'appareil reproducteur masculin et des gamètes, la reproduction et la sexualité, chez l'homme comme chez l'animal.

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Animal learning and Behavior

ISSN: 0090-4996
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Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik

ISSN: 1866-6175
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Annals of Diagnostic Paediatric Pathology

ISSN: 1427-4426eISSN: 1509-5762
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Annals of Ophthalmology

ISSN: 1530-4086eISSN: 1558-9951
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Annals of Software Engineering

ISSN: 1022-7091eISSN: 1573-7489
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Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics

ISSN: 1867-6936eISSN: 1867-6944

The international journal Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics provides a forum to communicate recent and creative advances dealing with any aspect of mechanics of materials and structures. The journal aims to be a reference and a powerful tool to professionally actives in academic, industrial and governmental communities.Appropriate, high quality contributions are solicited on a wide range of subjects. The scope of the journal includes original papers dealing with mechanical, mathematical, numerical and experimental analysis of structures and structural materials, both taken in the broadest sense.Papers concerned with multi-scale, multi-field and multiple-media problems, including static and dynamic interaction, are welcome.Papers illustrating advanced and innovative applications to structural problems coming from any field of science and engineering, including aerospace, civil, materials, mechanical engineering and living materials and structures will be considered.Special issues on specific topics as well as book reviews will be published from time to time.

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Applied Scientific Research

ISSN: 0003-6994
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Applied Scientific Research, Section B

ISSN: 0365-7140
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Approximation Theory and its Applications

ISSN: 1000-9221eISSN: 1573-8175
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Aquarium Sciences and Conservation

ISSN: 1357-5325eISSN: 1573-1448
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Aquatic Biosystems

eISSN: 2046-9063

Aquatic Biosystems is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal considering high quality manuscripts on all aspects of basic and applied research on aquatic organisms and environments.The scope of Aquatic Biosystems ranges from the molecular and organism levels to global systems and processes. The journal encourages reports on a wide array of environments, including lakes, rivers, marshes, springs, lagoons, solar pans, estuaries, and the open ocean, and their micro- and macro-flora and fauna. The focus is on the relationships between the environment and biological systems, encompassing microbial genomics, physiology, and ecology, biogeochemical cycling, food webs, paleolimnology, biodiversity, conservation, resource management, and ecosystem structure and function. Engineered biosystems, such as for aquaculture, renewable resource, biofuels, biotechnology, and biomedical production, as well as constructed wetlands, are within the scope of Aquatic Biosystems.The goal of the journal is to bridge across freshwater and saline systems, between basic and applied research, and from gene systems to ecosystems. The online format of the journal is designed to accelerate the process of disseminating important research results and information, in order to better meet the needs and demands of the highly dynamic and global science, management, and private sectors.

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Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

ISSN: 1644-9665

Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ACME) publishes both theoretical and experimental papers which explore or exploit new ideas and techniques in the following areas: structural engineering (structures, machines and mechanical systems), mechanics of materials (elasticity, plasticity, rheology, fatigue, fracture mechanics), materials science (metals, composites, ceramics, plastics, wood, concrete, etc., their structures and properties, methods of evaluation), In addition to research papers, the Editorial Board welcome: state-of-the-art reviews of specialized topics. All papers are subject to a referee procedure.ACME does not accept manuscripts containing:• Simulation with no experimental verification and/or which gives no new insight into the process.• The analysis of material properties or product performance without reference to the processing which caused them and their application.

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Archivio di Ortopedia e Reumatologia

ISSN: 0390-7368eISSN: 1592-7113
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Automated Experimentation

eISSN: 1759-4499
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Automation and Remote Control

ISSN: 0005-1179eISSN: 1608-3032

The Journal was founded in 1936, being the first special journal in the area of control. At present the scope of the journal is entirely control theory problems and applications. The journal publishes surveys, original papers, and short communications in the field of control theory (deterministic, stochastic, adaptive, robust formulations) and its applications (computer control, components and instruments, process control, social and economy control, etc.).

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Autonomous Intelligent Systems

eISSN: 2730-616X