Animal Biology publishes high quality papers and focuses on integration of the various disciplines within the broad field of zoology. These disciplines include behaviour, developmental biology, ecology, endocrinology, evolutionary biology, genomics, morphology, neurobiology, physiology, systematics and theoretical biology. Purely descriptive papers will not be considered for publication. Animal Biology is the official journal of the Royal Dutch Zoological Society since its foundation in 1872. The journal was initially called Archives Néerlandaises de Zoologie, which was changed in 1952 to Netherlands Journal of Zoology, the current name was established in 2003.
Arab Law Quarterly covers all aspects of Arab laws, both Shari´a and secular, and has become accepted as the leading English-language legal publication in its field. Now in its 20th year, it provides an important forum of authoritative articles on the laws and legal developments throughout the twenty countries of the Arab world, and also includes notes on recent legislation and case law, guidelines on future changes and reviews of the latest literature.
Originally founded by Evariste Le´vi-Provenc¸al in 1954 as an organ for French arabists, Arabica has now become a multidisciplinary academic journal, with an international editorial board representing various fields of research. It is dedicated to the study of the Arab world's classical and contemporary literatures, languages, history, thought and civilization. From a wider perspective, Arabica is open to the general fields of Islamicate studies and intercultural relations between Arab societies and the other cultural areas throughout history. It actively endeavors to participate in the development of new scholarly approaches and problematics. In addition to original research articles in English and French (preferably), Arabica also publishes 'notes and documents', book reviews, and occasionally academic debates in its 'methods and debates' section. Special issues may deal with a specific theme, or publish the proceedings of a conference.
The journal brings all aspects of the various forms of Aramaic and their literatures together to help shape the field of Aramaic Studies.
Aries is the first professional academic journal specifically devoted to a long-neglected but now rapidly developing new domain of research in the humanities, usually referred to as "Western Esotericism". This field covers a variety of "alternative" currents in western religious history, including the so-called "hermetic philosophy" and related currents in the early modern period; alchemy, paracelsianism and rosicrucianism; christian kabbalah and its later developments; theosophical and illuminist currents; and various occultist and related developments during the 19th and 20th centuries, up to and including popular contemporary currents such as the New Age movement. Aries is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles and book reviews in English, French, German and Italian.
Asian Medicine -Tradition and Modernity is a multidisciplinary journal aimed at researchers and practitioners of Asian Medicine in Asia as well as in Western countries. It makes available in one single publication academic essays that explore the historical, anthropological, sociological and philological dimensions of Asian medicine as well as practice reports from clinicians based in Asia and in Western countries.